Preserves in oil of our production.

  • Dried Tomatoes 314ml
    • Dried Tomatoes 314ml
    • Dried Tomatoes 314ml

    • 5,50 
    • Cancila dried tomatoes in oil are a delicious alternative to fresh tomatoes. The variety we use is Pizzutello siccagno, resistant to crops in areas where the climate is quite arid and dry. The fruit is small with an average weight of 20-30 gr, round with the classic goatee, from which it takes its name, and is particularly tasty. Cancila dried…
    • Aggiungi al carrello
  • Artichokes 314ml.
    • Esaurito
      Artichokes 314ml.
    • Artichokes 314ml.

    • 6,50 
    • Cancila Sicilian artichoke in oil comes from the spiny Palermo, a particular type of Sicilian artichoke with thorns. This variety has a spherical shape with red-purple hues and has excellent resistance in maintaining taste and freshness. The Palermo spiny artichoke is a native variety with vigorous plants, it has the characteristic thorns, it produces spiny fruits of medium size with…
    • Aggiungi al carrello